12th Class Date Sheet 2025 BISE Lahore Board

12th Class Date Sheet 2025 BISE Lahore Board
12th Class Date Sheet 2025 BISE Lahore Board

The Lahore board 12th class date sheet will annouce in the month of April. The students can download it and start their exam preparation. The exam will start on 20th May 2025. The student is well-prepared for their exams so that they can good scores. 12th Class Date Sheet 2025 BISE Lahore Board

All Subjects For 2nd Year Students

The 12th Class 2025 exam will consist of various subjects, including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and English. Students can expect each exam to be three hours long, and the exam pattern will be in line with previous years’ patterns. It is crucial for students to stay updated with the latest exam pattern to prepare effectively.

Science Group SubjectsArt Group Subjects
UrduPolitical Science
Pakistan StudiesIslamiyat Elective
Pakistan Studies

Date Sheet of 12th Class 2025 Lahore Board

As the academic year progresses, students in Lahore Board are eagerly waiting for the release of the Date Sheet for 12th Class 2025. The date sheet will annouce in the month of April. This date sheet is a crucial piece of information that students rely on to prepare for their final exams. At this point, students may be feeling anxious and stressed about their upcoming exams, and having access to a reliable and comprehensive date sheet can help ease some of that stress. 12th Class Date Sheet 2024 BISE Lahore Board

BISE Lahore Board 2nd Year Date Sheet 2025(Tentative)

PsychologyFood & Nutrition (HEG)DaySubjectSubjectPaper
PsychologyFood & Nutrition (HEG)SaturdayPsychologyFood & Nutrations (HEG)Outlines of Home Economics N.E.W12th
22-05-2025MondayEnglish (comp) (1st Group)English (comp) (2nd Group)12th
23-05-2025TuesdayEconomics N.E.WSociology N.E.W12th
24-05-2025WednesdayComputer Science N.E.WHealth & Physical Education N.E.W12th
25-05-2025ThursdayChemistry (1st Group)Fine Arts N.E.WChemistry (2nd Group)Statistics N.E.W12th
26-05-2025FridayCivics N.E.WPhilosphyBankingComputer Studies
(Commerce Group)/NEW
27-05-2025SaturdayMathematics (1st Group)Biology (1st Group)Mathematics (2nd Group)Biology (2nd Group)12th
29-05-2025MondayPhysics (1st Group)Education (1st Group) N.E.WPhysics (2nd Group)Education (2nd Group) Commercial Geography12th
30-05-2025TuesdayHistory (All Options)Geography/N.E.W12th
31-05-2025WednesdayUrdu (Comp) (1st Group)Urdu (Comp) (2nd Group)Pakistani Culture12th
01-06-2025ThursdayIslamic Studies (Elective) (1st Group)Islamic Studies (Elective) (2nd Group)Principles of Accounting N.E.W12th
02-06-2025FridayPakistan Studies (Comp) (1st Group)Pakistan Studies (Comp) (2nd Group)12th
03-06-2025SaturdayPunjab (1st Group)ArabicPunjabi (2nd Group)Persian, Urdu AdvancedStatistics (Commerce Group)12th

How to Download the Date Sheet

Once the 12th class date sheet is released by the BISE Lahore Board, students can download it from the official website of the board. Follow these steps to download the date sheet:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the BISE Lahore Board (http://www.biselahore.com/).

2: Look for the “Latest News” section on the homepage and click on it.

Step 3: Once you are on the Latest News page, look for the link to the 12th class date sheet for the year 2025.

4: Click on the link to download the date sheet.

Step 5: Save the date sheet on your device or take a printout for future reference.

How to Check 2nd Year Date Sheet 2025

To check the 2nd year date sheet for v, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of your respective educational board or university.
  2. Look for the “Examination” or “Academic” section on the homepage.
  3. Click on the link for “Date Sheet” or “Time Table”.
  4. Select your examination type, which in this case would be “2nd Year”.
  5. Choose your course or stream, such as Arts, Science, or Commerce.
  6. The date sheet for your 2nd-year examinations should appear on your screen.
  7. Check the dates and timings of your exams carefully.
  8. Download and save a copy of the date sheet for future reference.

If you are unable to find the date sheet on the website, you can contact your educational institution or board for further assistance.

Tips for Effective Preparation

As the exams approach, students must prepare themselves for the upcoming challenges. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help students prepare for the 12th Class 2025 exams effectively:

Create a Timetable: A timetable is a crucial tool that can help students manage their time effectively. Create a timetable that allocates adequate time for each subject and gives enough time for revision.

Focus on Conceptual Understanding: Instead of memorizing information, focus on understanding the concepts. This will help you retain information for a longer time and apply it effectively.

Practice Previous Year’s Papers: Solving previous year’s papers is an effective way to prepare for exams. It gives students an idea of the exam pattern, and they can practice different types of questions.

Take Care of Your Health: It is essential to take care of your physical and mental health during the exam preparation phase. Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet to stay healthy.

How to Stay Updated with the Latest Information

As mentioned earlier, the official Date Sheet of the 12th Class 2025Lahore Board has not been released yet. Students can visit the official website of BISE Lahore to stay updated with the latest information. The website also provides students with access to previous years’ papers, exam patterns, and other essential information. 12th Class Date Sheet 2025 BISE Lahore Board

About Lahore Board

The Lahore Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE Lahore) is a government educational body responsible for conducting intermediate and secondary school level exams in the Lahore division of Punjab, Pakistan. The board conducts exams for various programs such as Matric (9th and 10th grades) and Intermediate (11th and 12th grades) in both science and arts streams. The board also manages the registration and affiliation of schools and colleges in its jurisdiction. BISE Lahore also has the responsibility of preparing and publishing results for all exams conducted by the board. It is one of the oldest and largest educational boards in Pakistan and has a reputation for maintaining high standards of education. Additionally, it also plays an important role in the development of curriculum, syllabus, and textbooks.


Q. When will the 12th Class exams start for the BISE Lahore Board in 2025?

A. The official date sheet for the exams will release. The exam will start in May 2025.

Q. Where can I find the 12th Class Date Sheet 2025 BISE Lahore Board?

A. You can find the date sheet on the official website of the BISE Lahore Board once it’s released.

Q. How can I prepare for the 12th Class exams?

A. Start preparing early, plan your study schedule, use the right study material, practice previous years’ papers, and take breaks in between your study sessions.